
The Swinger

Stephon sat at a smoking table on the Royal Carribean cruise ship called The Swinger. He cruised alone and cruised often. He loved the relaxation of a cruise. Loved how a one time payment solved all his traveling needs. A place to sleep, food to eat, and entertainment. 

He wasn’t a smoker but he liked to smoke cigars here and there. When the ship was ported at Cozumel, Mexico, he bought a box of five Cuban cigars. 

He lit his cigar. He had a book to read but it was so many people out at the pools that he opted for people watching. He read a few chapters of his novel already and it was a pretty good action adventure but the novel could wait when there were quite a few women walking back and forth from the pools wearing nothing more than bras and thongs.

A middle aged white woman came over and asked Stephon if she could sit at the table with him. Stephon’s table was the only one not occupied by two or more people and the assumption was that she wanted to share the ashtray. Stephon said sure. The woman had on a white bikini and one of those sheer cover ups. She had a nice size wedding ring. Still, Stephon analyzed her for the possibility of their encounter becoming more than just a shared ashtray.

“That smells good, what kind is that?” The woman referred to Stephon’s cigar as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“It’s a cuban.” Stephen said as he took a puff and blew the smoke straight forward away from the woman’s face but kept his eyes on hers.

“Nice, you got them from Cozumel?”

“Yes.” He said smiling.

“My husband bought a box of those.”

Stephon looked around trying to identify where her husband was. He couldn’t have been far. Probably in the pool as it looked like the woman had just got out of the pool for a smoke. Her body still wet.

“So where y’all from?” Stephon took another puff.

“Austin, TX.”

“Nice. not too far for y’all.” The cruise ship ported out of Galveston, TX.”

“And yourself?”

“Born and raised in Knoxville, TN, but I live in Maryland.” Stephon felt the need to verify his roots in case people wondered how he lives in Maryland with a southern accent.

“Nice. What brought you to Maryland?”

“I was Active Duty Army at Fort Meade, then I got out and now I’m doing contract work.”

“Nice. Well, thanks for your service.”

“You guys cruise often?” Stephon noticed that her cigarette was nearing it’s end so he had to ensure the conversation was engaging if she was going to choose to chat a bit longer. She very well could have only come for a quick smoke near an available ashtray and be back on her way to her happy marriage and pool spot. But Stephon never assumed that his fantasies couldn’t become realities.

“I guess so. We cruise at least every other year. This will be our third in the past four years. How about you? Are you traveling with family?”

“I cruise once or twice a year. Sometimes my parents and sister join but mostly I cruise single.”

“Oh so you’re here alone?”

“Well, I was alone until you gave me company.”

Stephon said it as flirtation but the woman must have took it as he was annoyed for invading his loneliness. “Oh I’m sorry, I just wanted to use the ashtray.” She dipped her bud in the ashtray.

“I meant that I’m enjoying your company.” Stephon laughed.

“Oh.” She looked at Stephon as if she just caught on to his flirting and that wasn’t sure what to do about it. She stood from the table. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed my company. I certainly appreciate you allowing me to share your ashtray but I need to get back in the pool before dinner.” She smiled and walked away.

Stephon looked at her until she was lost in the crowd. He took another puff of his cigar. Then he picked up his novel and started reading, no longer interested in the crowd.

Cameron Armstrong graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a B.A. in English: Writing and a minor in Womens Studies. He created ArmstrongTimes to express his opinion on Relationships, Social Issues, and Spirituality.

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